Monday 11 January 2016

Playing Hooky

Years ago I was an avid crocheter and made many a tiny cardigan for my babies, but as they grew and had a say as to what they wanted to wear, Mum's handmade knitwear was not high on the list! 
It is a skill I subsequently lost, but have always had a hankering to hook up with it again again ;-)) Ha!...
After a New Year's resolution to take more 'me' time, I felt now was the time to strike and to take it back up again...but I needed help...
 So it happened whilst on a trip to Exeter, that I discovered in 'The Works' that their copies of Simple Crochet by Sara Sinaguglia where in the January sale at just £1.50!!! So at that price, without the need to justify buying another book, and with the addition of a cheap ball of yarn and a hook from a charity shop, I am off again...
Starting small for now and making a round pot holder for the kitchen...
The instructions in this lovely book have been quite straight forward to follow...
A couple more evenings should see it complete. 
Niki x


  1. I find crocheting so comforting. I have been thinking it is about time I find another project. Good luck!

  2. I love crochet and knitting, and luckily enough to have a daughter-in-law who appreciates hand knits/crochet for the grandchildren. She often get stopped at the school gate and asked where did you get that jumper or cardigan, and she proudly says my mother-in-law made it. And my grandson went into playgroup and said my nanny made this when he wore a particular jumper!
    If you ever need any help just ask
    Julie xxxxxx

    1. Thanks for the offer of help, Julie...I'm just a bit rusty as its been a while...needed the book to remind me of the stitches...the patterns will be useful too.
      Glad to hear your work is appreciated, N x

  3. Oooh how lovely Niki,i have a pack of crochet hooks and a book in my Amazon basket and was wondering if to make the purchase,you have just made up my mind,it is something i have always wanted to learn,happy crocheting xxx

    1. Hi K, try 'The Works' first - they have loads of amazing bargains! Then treat yourself! N x


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x