Thursday 7 January 2016

Dancing Queen

Those who know me personally will tell you that I am at my happiest when gardening or working in my studio at the top of the garden, crafting away at one-off-pieces...Notably on gaggles of fairy folk that slowly appear in front of my eyes as the hours pass - It's always very satisfying to get to an end of a work session and to have a whole new batch on my workbench, which days previous hadn't existed, except as rolls of lace, ribbons and tins of trinkets. Each special fairy is given a name and is poured over many times to get that right... I like each one to reflect the time invested in its creation, with treasured details completing their look. 

Forgive me for saying, if you will, but there have been a few more fairy makers arriving on the scene...I'm not going to dwell on that point, except to say I am taking from this only the positives...Which is, that it has encouraged me sit down and work on a new line of fairies, different to my previous design that you see above, in order that I may be able to offer something more unique. (The gals shown were made by me a couple of years ago.) For those who still love what I do, I shall return to my tried and tested style later this year, but for now I am enjoying the challenge of experimenting and finding a new beginning...
The girls that are slowly emerging from my studio are smaller in size to my tree-topper fairies and angels by about a third (approx: 15 cm tall).  Each has a hand sculpted body and is posed to resemble a little ballerina. I think they still shine through as my style and, as ever, are dressed in beautiful antique textiles, laces, and trims that I have collected over decades. 
By way of a sneaky peek, this is my prototype who will be staying with me...
Over the next couple of days I shall photograph all of those that I have produced so far. I'll introduce them on my blog and start typing up listings for my etsy shop. I hope you'll like my new ballerina fairies.
Thank you to all who still support my small business - You are very much appreciated :)
Niki x
PS: I may be able to acquire a more up-to-date mobile phone to the old brick I currently hide in my handbag!...If so, I am considering possibly setting up an Instagram account...Any thoughts or tips from those who use their Instagram page for business promotion, gratefully received. Thanks, Niki x


  1. That's quite the collection of sweet looking girls you've got there! Wishing you luck in staying ahead of the competition!

    1. Hi Willow, Thanks for your comment. The fairies shown are all sold, as were made two years ago...I'm moving-on in design to try and offer something a little different...will show pics soon. Niki x

  2. I know what you mean about the mobile phone. I have a new one with all the bells and whistles, but I prefer to just text and phone with it, use a proper computer, and use a proper camera!

    A blog I follow did a post about instagram

    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie,
      Ha! Yes, I use my phone as a device in an when I'm out in my car etc...otherwise it pretty much gets forgotten...I haven't moved with the times! Thanks so much for the link...just had a read...all seems so complicated when you haven't a clue what they are talking about...not sure if my mind actually works in the right way for technology! Give me some fabric and I can make something, but hash tags(??) and @ signs leave me blank!! ;-)) I love Pinterest as its so easy and you don't have to network quite so much...all time I could be sewing!
      Have a lovely weekend, Niki xx

    2. I only pinterest! I'm not technology minded either, and bit shy to net work so I just blog, facebook and pinterest with a board called 'I make vintage' showing my makes. I just don't like giving my mobile number willy-nilly, its my ex-directory number.

    3. I'm a big fan of Pinterest too! :)
      It's funny how many people are shy, but keep blogs...I'm one of them too! ;-)) N x

  3. Wholeheartedly agree about the intricacies of Instagram. Mr Tall set up an account for me (because I'm a technophobe) and I'm still coming to terms with it.
    All I'm doing at the moment is following others... Prior to getting up the courage to actually post something!

    1. Hi're further along the path than me...I haven't even got a phone yet! ;-))
      Might see you there one day...
      N x

  4. Niki , please come on to IG ! It's the way to go . You will find most of us blog gals are there already ! It's easy to post a picture without the whole morning of thoughts to set up a post to blog ! We will all be over the moon to see you there ! Promise it's the way to go for us blog gals ! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘―πŸ’•Maria ! Please come and find me if you do ! I'm Roseytinted spectacles of course !! 😘

    1. Whoops your ballerina fairies are magical ! Xx

    2. Hi Maria - Yes, realise I've been left behind a bit because of my stubbornness not to move with technology! ;-)) If I can master the phone, maybe I'll set up an IG account too...Would love to be back sharing stuff again...Will of course come and find you :)
      Niki x

    3. Niki ! If you can blog , you can master the new phone and IG ! It's easy peasy ! I got my daughter to help me at first , then I was away with the fairies !! { Nothing new there } hehe ! Xx

    4. I spend my life away with the fairies ;-))
      Now have the phone I may be well away with that soon too :)
      N x

  5. Hi Niki,oh do let us know when and if you join Instagram i will follow along,yes i had seen a Miss Havisham pop up and thought hmmmmm? also some dolls that looked very much like your large dolls,very unfair as you always work so hard to make your work just right and then to be copied,i will always stick with the original Niki ;) xxx

    1. Hi K,
      Thanks for your comment...My Instagram page is in the making...

      I've not seen the Miss Havisham doll you mention...?
      I don't claim to be 100% unique, but I try hard to offer something unique to me, in my style...We are all inspired by each other, but what I have issue with is when people lift all the best bits from someone's work, (perhaps combining the best bits from several people's work),which may have taken them years to evolve and develop, and then they start making the same thing AND offering it for sale...I'm not so fussed if someone wants to have a go themselves, but when making to sell, I can't understand how they can do it...It wouldn't make me feel very comfortable or proud of myself...
      I was reluctant to change my fairy dolls, as I felt why should I, but I must admit I am enjoying the new challenge of working differently...So a silver lining...
      :) N xx


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x