Tuesday 15 December 2015

Sofa Project

The reason my craft blog here has been a little neglected for the past few days, is that I've been busy being creative in our home...
A large pair of red jacquard brocade curtains bought for £10 at a local charity shop became the main focus of (another!) makeover for our sofas.
 I combined this with a Sanderson linen and fabulous vintage rose fabric, which I also used to created the 4 pairs of curtains in our main living room (LOTS of sewing!!)
All rosy and ready for the festive season :)
Niki x


  1. Hi Niki, your room is looking very festive and cosy. xx

    1. Thanks Popsy...glad to have this room decorated just in time for the festive season :) Hope all is well with you, Niki x

  2. Everything looks wonderful! i love the rich colours it looks so cozy,the perfect place for you to put your feet up after all that sewing Niki xxx

    1. Thanks K - Have forgotten what it is to put my feet up...but hopefully over Christmas we can wind-down a little! :) N x


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x