Monday 21 December 2015

All The Small Things...

Lovely to have had a bit of time for all the small things...
Like baking mince pies.
And putting together a mini hamper as a gift for our lovely new neighbours. 
To include; a baked Camembert kit...

Homemade preserves
And an old favourite from my childhood - Peppermint Creams dipped in dark chocolate. 
All were gift wrapped and packed into a small box with some freshly laid eggs from our hens - It was very well received :) 
I've been helping my daughter make a few gifts for her friends too, such as this cushion made from a cosy wool charity shop cardigan and a tweed skirt. (We shortened the skirt for her to wear and used the off cuts for the back of the cushion! - frugal recycling :))

And I used some other wool off-cuts to make a pair of lavender filled hearts as another gift for my daughter and her partner. 

Then one more simple little project got whisked up; evergreen snippets from the garden were simply tied to some terracotta pots with jute string. Church candles were pushed inside and packed with moss ready for the dinning-table.  

Hope you're having some festive fun!
Niki x


  1. Ooooh . . . I would love to be one of your neighbors! :) Those little hearts you made for your daughter are so very charming. I love them! And your table is going to be so festive with those little pots with the greenery and candles! It is all just so lovely!

    Looks like you are all set for a very Merry Christmas! I do hope you and yours have a very happy one!

    1. Thanks for your kindness Willow - Wishing you a very Merry Christmas too,
      Niki x

  2. Wow I love the homemade gifts. Going to seek out the baked Camembert Kit as an extra present for someone
    Julie xxxxxxx
    Merry Chriustmas and Happy New Year

    1. Hi Julie,
      Have fun with it - I'm sure it will be well received...I don't normally buy French cheese as we have the best here in the UK ;-)), but I couldn't resist the lovely 'Le Rustique' seasonal box for the kit.
      Merry Christmas to you, Niki x

  3. Oooh Niki your hand made presents are a delight! i also love the hearts you made your daughter they are really if only i could reach in and grab a mince pie or two ;) Merry Christmas week xxxx

    1. I've made enough mince pies to feed an army this year, so you are welcome to some :)- My granddaughter calls them 'Christmas pies' and I've been told by Mummy that she can eat her weight in them, given the chance! Oh to be young and not have to worry too much about calories! Merry Christmas, Niki x

  4. Such beautiful things Niki, as always.
    Have a wonderful family Christmas in your new Devon home.
    I bet your neighbours can't believe their luck having you
    next door!
    Frances x

    1. Thanks Frances - We can't believe our luck having lovely neighbours...Devon is a very friendly county - love it here! :) Hope you had a perfect Christmas, N x

  5. How busy you have been, Niki! Love all what you made and am sure, those who were spoiled with your gifts were very happy! Especially for the eggs ;-)

    1. Thanks A - Glad to hear you're now getting some eggs from your gals again too :) ;-) N x


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x