Sunday 1 November 2015

Thank You!

Thank you to all who stopped-by my stall at the Vintage Bazaar, Frome yesterday...A fabulous day and wonderful to catch up with friends and vintage lovers... 
I sold lots and was overjoyed to see so many of my personal treasures that I have collected over the years, go off with happy new owners...It made it all the more easier to let them go, knowing they will continue to be loved and enjoyed! 

Thanks to Lizzie and Clare for organising another great event - My last there, now that we've made the move to Devon...I will miss being a part of such an awesome fair. 
 I'm going into semi-retirement now(!) and travelling no further afield than South Molton in North Devon! - My next event is the Flea Market in the Pannier Market on November 29th, where I shall take along more treasures that I uncover and dare to part with! ;-)) 
Have a lovely Sunday,
Niki x


  1. Oh if only i had been there,so many beautiful items in one place x

    1. Always a fabulous event - I'll be sorry not to be a part of it any more...


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x