Thursday 5 November 2015

Heartfelt Christmas

I made several scrappy heart decorations yesterday for a lovely friend... 
Each made from vintage wool, appliquéd with antique lace and toile fabrics.

They also have antique glass chandelier crystals stitched to the bottom, which twinkle in the sunlight. 
They'll be packed in a special box and posted off to her soon.
I love making these little decorations and soon had another collection made, ready for the fairs...

Hung in the holly tree for a photo shoot I think they look quite festive :) 
Actually, the ancient holly trees in the garden have produced a few unwanted saplings, so I have potted them up in lovely old clay pots and will take those to the fairs too. 
Feels good to have made a start with some seasonal makes.
Niki x


  1. So festive! Especially with those chandelier crystals and in that pretty little holly tree!

    1. Thanks Willow - Feels good to have made a start with preparations! N x

  2. Replies
    1. They were gratefully received by my dear friend - So glad you like them too K.
      Niki x


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