Thursday 26 November 2015

Flea Bites

Getting things ready for the Flea Market on Sunday...
Niki x


  1. Good morning Niki,i had to read your announcement twice,'now blogging regular on my other blog',it's a good job i was sat down or i might have bumped my head haha...oh i can hear a tune playing 'Happy Days Are Here Again,The Skies Above Are Clear Again,Let Us Sing A Song Of Cheer Again,Happy Days Are Here Again! ;) x

    1. Haha! You are funny K - Thanks for your comment...Just keeping posts simple here - crafts and dates, not home/personal stuff! But I hope you enjoy visiting, Niki x

  2. ooh, you temptress Niki..perhaps I need to visit you at the Flea on Sunday.....?1!xx

    1. Would be lovely to see you if you can make it Lizzie! :)
      What can I bring to tempt you further??!!
      Niki xx


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x