Friday 23 October 2015

Vintage Bazaar, Frome

The next event that I shall be attending is the (always fabulous!) Vintage Bazaar at Frome. Full details on the blog here.
Since moving to rural Devon, I have found that most of my vintage collections no longer fit with the style of our new (old!) home, so I am being extremely brave ;-)) and pricing much of it up, to offer for sale at the fairs...
Their first outing with be to the Vintage Bazaar on Oct 31st. 
Lots of exquisite pieces, fresh to the market - I'll add photos here over the next few days as I uncover more...
I DO hope you can come along. 
Niki x


  1. I hope you are getting all settled into your new home! One day perhaps I'll be able to get over there to visit one of your fairs and snap up some goodies! I hope you have great success!

    1. Thank you Willow...yes we're settling well into our new life...Fairs have taken a bit of a back seat, but I'm enjoying unpacking boxes and finding 'old friends' again...much of which need to find new homes to live now! Hope all is happy with you, Niki x


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x