Friday 10 October 2014

Classic Cream

Been working in dreamy creams today :)
 Last week I was asked by a lovely customer at my shop if I planned on making some more of my glass handled powder puffs (first shown on my blog in 2012).
Something I haven't made for a while, so using this pretty glass decanter stopper, here's one that I completed today. 
It's finished in antique lace and marabou feather trim. 
My next project, taking a very plain (modern) cardboard box, I turned it into a pretty storage casket for the dressing table.

I covered the bottom half of the box, inside and out (and the inside of the lid), with antique sheet music. 

I layered up the top of the lid with a square of wool blanket, covered in a square of calico. 
I then decorated the calico base with lengths of antique lace. A chiffon millinery flower completed the top. 
I used an antique ruffled braid to neatly finish the edges of the lid.

Another coordinating accessory was this painted wooden tray, which I simply lined in a section of vintage wallpaper. 
Not suitable as a tea tray, but pretty on the dressing table to store make up or jewellery etc.
With these projects done, there was then the pressing matter of an operation to perform on poor little knitted bunny's ears. I think moths had taken a shine to them, so I carefully hand stitched a vintage velvet inside to re-line them.
Glad to say she's made a full recovery!
Finally today I started working on a new collection of small heart pincushions.
All of my latest makes will be coming with me to the Vintage Bazaar, Frome next Saturday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Niki x


  1. All so pretty, Niki - I especially love the box. x

  2. I love everything here! I would be very surprised if someone didn't scoop up everything in that first picture to have such a sweet vignette in their own home!

  3. What beautiful things you have made.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. What would I do without you three ladies? - You are always so kind and supportive.
      I loved making these...its a style I go back to everynowandthen...since as long as I remember.
      Have a lovely weekend, Niki x


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x