Friday 5 September 2014


For a while now I had been thinking about trying to create a dress for one of my fairy dolls made from vintage/antique papers, but I was concerned that the finished doll would be a little delicate to be handled often. 
When I discovered another box frame in my local junk shop, I knew I'd found the perfect home for a paper-clad fairy to reside, so I set to work creating another Victorian style fairy specimen. 
This is 'Found'. She's a very industrious little fairy who decorates her outfits in the bits and pieces she discovers on her short forays into the human world; items that once were lost and now are found...

She's not afraid to fly into the dark spaces under floor boards or behind bookcases or curtains in her search for trinkets. 
Her favourite finds are old keys and buttons - Luckily both appear quite regularly on her treasure hunts and she's been able to fashion a fabulous crown from some of the best ones...

Other bits and bobs get tied to her sash until she decides how best to use them - Or if one of her fairy friends are in need of an adornment, she always happy to pass them on.
Her skirt has been folded and shaped from old love letters, sheet music and pages from dusty volumes and novels. Lace silk handkerchiefs and scraps of fabric from the sewing-room floor have completed her distinctive look.
Found is now frozen in time inside her specimen box to hopefully bring a decorative touch to someone's home.
I shall be bringing her with me to the Vintage Bazaar, Frome in October...along with other fairy dolls adorned in vintage trinkets and embellishments. Most will have a festive feel, but all will be one-off designs to treasure for always...
Niki x


  1. I think she is absolutely wonderful. She is so pretty/
    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Thanks Julie - you are very kind. I love making these...have been working on a collection of Christmas fairies today ready for the fair. Have a lovely weekend, Niki x

  2. Found looks quite cosy in her new home. She has the perfect spot to be on the watch to scoop up any missing bits she might spy! ;)


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x