Saturday 30 August 2014

Fairy Magic

As I mentioned in my previous post - I've been re-purposing some of the small antique bottles in my shop. 
I made a pretty group of 'fairy dust' bottles - The dust actually being mica glitter - No fairies were harmed in the collecting of their dust! 
Each bottle was trimmed at the neck with a jingle bell and I made stoppers from rolled-up sheet music. 
I have some others that I am yet to photograph, which are smaller still and trimmed with a tiny red toadstool. 

I have these displayed at my shop at the moment, but as I've just started work on a special collection of Christmas fairy dolls to take with me to the Vintage Bazaar, Frome in October, I think it will be nice if some of the bottles accompany them there too.

Also today I made some lace heart applique patches.
They could be turned into brooches or hair pins...
Stitched to a bag or jacket lapel...
Or made into greetings cards...
Whatever you fancy really!

I've packaged them each with an original vintage photograph. 
Love Niki x


  1. Pheeeewwwww! I'm so glad to hear no fairies were harmed with the collection of all that fairy dust! ! ! ;)

    Those bottles are so pretty and would be a perfect pairing with your lovely fairies! I'm definitely sure it would greatly increase their magical abilities and irresistability! ;)

  2. Love the fairy dust bottles and those hearts are gorgeous! I wish you would put more of your beautiful things in your online shop, sob sob.

    1. Hi Lululiz - Many thanks for your comment. I am closing my physical shop in three months time and making lots of other life-changes...not sure yet if I shall continue with my business, but may go back to selling on-line for a while...At the moment there are never enough hours in the day to do it all, particularly as I hand make much of my stock myself. Niki :)


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x