Friday 18 July 2014

Inspired by Summer

Some of the items I've created this week...
A pair of cushions made from a vintage cottage printed tablecloth...
combined with a 90's Laura Ashley chintz with fabulous hollyhock design. 
I also made a matching tote bag with the same fabric combo. 

A few of my antique fabric heart cards to re-stock the shelves. 
And an extra large pillow cushion (filled with a goose feather and down pillow), made from a vintage hand worked tapestry panel and a classic Sanderson rose printed cotton.

Thanks for stopping-by.
Enjoy the sunshine,
Niki x


  1. As always, Niki, your work is so beautiful! Such attention to detail. Your cards especially have such a delicate, romantic touch!

    1. Thank you - you are always so kind and encouraging :) N x


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for leaving your message...I shall try to reply to all, Niki x